Moose Legion Degree of Service

Moose Legion Committee Chairman 

- Daniel Viar

Moose Legion Assistant Secretary 

- vacant

posted 7/17/2024

Lynchburg Moose Legion 715 - Summer Fundraiser


$10.00 each ticket ... only 120 tickets sold

posted 7/15/2024

Congratulations to New Moose Legionnaire Paul Trent who was Conferred with the Moose Legion Higher Degree at the Blue Ridge Moose Legion 82 Summer Conferral hosted by the Piney River Moose Lodge #2132 Saturday, July 13th, 2024. 

Paul was sponsored by Richard Cabell Sr.

posted 06/30/2024

posted 6/03/2024 

The next Blue Ridge Moose Legion 82 Celebration / Conferral is scheduled for Saturday, July 13, 2024 hosted by the Piney River Moose Lodge #2032.  

Registration by 12:30 pm ( $3.00 registration fee )

Moose Legionnaires and Family Attending Conferral must be registered to receive a wristband required for the lunch and social.

This Summer Celebration includes the Duck Race Fundraiser @ 2:00pm.

1st PLACE: $1000.00

2nd PLACE: $500.00

3rd PLACE: $250.00

$20.00 Donation Per Ticket ... You do not have to present to win

Includes a Bar-B-Que plate with Cole Slaw, Baked Beans, Mac-Cheese, Roll and Desserts.

All Duck Race Ticket Holders include the meal. Additional plates $10.00

Moose Milk included with arm band Conferral registration.

You are encouraged to bring a chair. 

715 Lynchburg Moose Lodge has candidates to be enrolled and they and their sponsor are encouraged to make the trip to the Piney River Lodge so that these candidates can be Conferred with the Moose Legion Degree of Service.

Candidates must check in and register by 12:30pm.

Welcome New Candidates ...

Shawn E. Jones Sr. ... sponsored by Richard B. Cabell Sr.

Joseph Washburn ... sponsored by Mike Tweedy

Rick Pollard ... sponsored by Gregory Howard Kirby

Paul Trent ... sponsored by Richard B. Cabell Sr.

link to view and print schedule ...

Link to view and print schedule of upcoming Celebrations and Events ..... 

Are you not a Moose Legionnaire ?

Contact a Moose Legionnaire to find out what it's all about and join the Higher Degree of the Order.

Lets represent 715 Lynchburg Moose in numbers supporting the Moose Legion and witness the impressive Ritual Ceremony describing the "Story Of The Moose".

Do Some Good Thing ...

For Someone Each Day

posted 06/03/2024

posted 7/10/2022

Congratulations to New Moose Legionnaires Robert Cates, Rex Hammond, and Thomas Knight who were Conferred with the Moose Legion Higher Degree at the Blue Ridge Moose Legion 82 Summer Celebration hosted by the Vinton Moose Family Center #1121 Saturday, July 8th, 2023.

posted 4/11/2022

Congratulations to New Moose Legionnaires Roger G. Wright and Glenn Flint Jr. who were Conferred with the Moose Legion Higher Degree at the Blue Ridge Moose Legion 82 Annual Conferrall hosted by the Lynchburg-South Moose Family Center #1727 Saturday, April 9th, 2022.

Roger is sponsored by Lodge Government Relation Committee Chairperson and BRML82 Secretary Robbie Robertson and Glenn is sponsored by Lodge President Greg Kirby.

posted 1/23/2022

Congratulations to New Moose Legionnaires Oliver Evans and Anthony Lowery who were Conferred with the Moose Legion Higher Degree at the Blue Ridge Moose Legion 82 Conferrall hosted by the Salem Moose Family Center 2573 Saturday, January 8th, 2022.

Oliver is sponsored by Lodge Moose Legion Committee Chairperson and VMA District 10 Moose Legion Committee Chairperson Richard B. Cabell Sr. and Anthony is sponsored by Lodge 3yr Trustee Thomas L. Payne.

posted 9/26/2021

Congratulations to New Moose Legionnaire Roy Edwards who was Conferred with the Moose Legion Higher Degree at the Blue Ridge Moose Legion 82 Conferrall hosted by the Farmville Moose Family Center 968 Saturday, September 25th, 2021.

Roy is sponsored by Lodge Moose Legion Committee Chairperson and VMA District 10 Moose Legion Committee Chairperson Richard B. Cabell Sr.

Moose Legion Breakfast, July 1st, 2021, at the 2021 Moose International Convention in Cincinatti Ohio.

Photo courtesy of 715 Lynchburg Moose Lodge President Greg Kirby

 One of the basic precepts of the Loyal Order of Moose is that "no institution that labors for self and self alone can remain great and mighty, and serve posterity."  When a man is enrolled into the Loyal Order of Moose, he automatically becomes a member of the first degree.  Any good standing male member is eligible for advancement to the Second Degree, (The Moose Legion Degree of Service).

          The Moose Legion will open many new opportunities to you in your Lodge.  Theme parties, sporting events, community service projects and other unique activities for you and your family.  Special social activities called Moose Legion Conferrals’ are scheduled at various Lodges within the membership region of the Blue Ridge Moose Legion 82, which comprises 18 member Lodges.  

          New candidates for Moose Legion membership attend an enrollment ceremony held during one of these Conferrals.  Candidates have (9) nine months from the date of Application to attend a Conferral for enrollment before forfeiting their Application Fees.

Moose Legionnaires have proven over and over again.....…

"Active Moose Legionnaires are the greatest asset a Lodge can possess!"

Lodge Moose Legion committee meetings are regularly scheduled for the 2nd Friday of each month at 6:30 pm.